Sunday, September 20, 2009

Life can be crazy yet fun.

So the past month has been so many different things. My brother was married and I did not hear from him for a week. I had to leave the reception sick and he did not even call to see if I was fine. I knew he was working, cause they are not going on a honeymoon till late winter/early spring. My now sister-in-law's true colors have come out to my sister and myself. She is very manipulative, to get what she wants, the way she wants, when she wants it. I thought I had completely lost my brother at one point. I have learned also that even though they may be your family you can loose them at anytime like you can loose you best friends at anytime. Times change, people change, relationships fall apart. This past month has really been full of life's crazy twists and battles and although I am not to thrilled how and when they happened I am glad they happened.
