Sunday, September 20, 2009

Life can be crazy yet fun.

So the past month has been so many different things. My brother was married and I did not hear from him for a week. I had to leave the reception sick and he did not even call to see if I was fine. I knew he was working, cause they are not going on a honeymoon till late winter/early spring. My now sister-in-law's true colors have come out to my sister and myself. She is very manipulative, to get what she wants, the way she wants, when she wants it. I thought I had completely lost my brother at one point. I have learned also that even though they may be your family you can loose them at anytime like you can loose you best friends at anytime. Times change, people change, relationships fall apart. This past month has really been full of life's crazy twists and battles and although I am not to thrilled how and when they happened I am glad they happened.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Just some celeb gossip.... juicy!! haha

Well, seems that Ryan Gosling is taking time off from film to work in Music. October 6,2009 is the slated release of his bands Album. Dead Man's Bones consists of Ryan and friend Zach Shields.

Oh and want something really juicy?

Well it seems that Nick Jonas and Miley Cyrus are not back together..because her reconnection with Nick's brother Joe was not the happiest.

Also Miley might just have to find a new BFF when she returns to LA from Filming in GA. Apparently her BFF Mandy is dating her ex behind her back, and apparently Mandy has moved Justin in with her brother to get closer to him.

I told you it was juicy. haha

and finally

We all know and love to hate AI head judge Simon Cowell. Well Fox is offering him $144Mil to return to the show. He had announced that his contract was up and was leaving the show, but with AI making 900Mil, they feel Cowell is needed to keep ratings. 

You will never find Camilla Bell, out drinking. In a recent interview she opened up about how she stays so low on the papps radar. She doesnt like to drink when she goes out. Her drink of choice...sparkling water. She also talks about showing at events. She only attends premiers of hers and friends, and fashion designers she knows. As far as clubs go, you might catch a glimpse of her going into one here or there, but dont expect to see her leaving at wee hours of the night.

xoxo Ashlee

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Spring/ Summer

Have you ever waited all through winter just to be able to walk around the yard barefoot. I do, every year. I think that just being able to feel the soft grass and being in touch with nature. It is also a feeling of being kind of free. Being in the sun and remembering everything you have waited through winter for. For me personally one of those things Strawberry Shortcake. Amazing, if anyone has not yet had strawberry shortcake..where in the world have you been. There is nothing better than shortcake covered in fresh picked strawberries and milk. mhmm!! Spring time is also sort of a new beginning. We start the year as a continuation of last year... dwelling on what we wish would have turned out differently. Now with spring, the shining sun, birds singing, stars at night, the warm air is refreshing and feels so new like a new beginning. It is also the season of Graduations, also new beginnings. A scary yet so exciting time, whether it be a graduation from high school or college. So enjoy the season and use this to try something new or start a new hobby.

xoxo A

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hey everyone thanks for checking out my blog. I really do not know why I created it. I just created it. I named my blog No Regrets, because that is how I live. Yes, I have made mistakes in life, but I do not regret any of them. I have grown and learned from those mistakes just like any other human being. It is perfectly normal to make all kinds of mistakes. Some are life changing and others are small that it takes time for them to impact us. I am also going to be using this to help people. If you need advice on something or help. Let me know. Leave me comments asking me about anything and I will do my best to give the best response I can give. Most people who meet me say I am a shy persona. However that really is not true. I am just quiet. I do not judge a book by its cover, instead I read the story. That is what I do with people. I do not judge them, instead when I meet them. I soak in all the information I can while they are with me. I am watching and listening. Too often are people like me mistaken for someone who is shy, when really we are just soaking in information.