Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hey everyone thanks for checking out my blog. I really do not know why I created it. I just created it. I named my blog No Regrets, because that is how I live. Yes, I have made mistakes in life, but I do not regret any of them. I have grown and learned from those mistakes just like any other human being. It is perfectly normal to make all kinds of mistakes. Some are life changing and others are small that it takes time for them to impact us. I am also going to be using this to help people. If you need advice on something or help. Let me know. Leave me comments asking me about anything and I will do my best to give the best response I can give. Most people who meet me say I am a shy persona. However that really is not true. I am just quiet. I do not judge a book by its cover, instead I read the story. That is what I do with people. I do not judge them, instead when I meet them. I soak in all the information I can while they are with me. I am watching and listening. Too often are people like me mistaken for someone who is shy, when really we are just soaking in information.